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Member Benefits Overview

“Member Benefits Overview”

By Bobbie Margo


At the 2013 Education Minnesota Retired Fall Conference, Shelley MacDonald

gave an excellent session on “Member Benefits Overview.” MacDonald says

that now much younger Education Minnesota members are attending the

Economic Services Benefits workshops. “Union Education” has now also

become a part of these workshops, and a “tie-in” is a 1/2 page ad in every

issue of THE EDUCATOR, under the title “Members Want To Know.” Active

Education Minnesota members need to know the reasons to value a strong/

active union along with maintaining that union presence in their own locals

on a daily basis. Contract language and salary negotiations are just a

part of “Union Education.”


PerksConnect is the new online shopping discount card for Education

Minnesota. Perks was launched on October 17, 2012, and so far there are

over 7,100 registrations. “Securus ID” is the new identity theft protection

program that is offered, and now when one joins Education Minnesota Retired

as a new member, the first two months of this theft protection program are

free. And finally, the newest “Member Benefits” program is a number of car

buying opportunities through the Walser car dealerships.

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