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2014 Legislative and Political Action Conference

 Click below to see the article by Joan Beaver, and presentations by Jodee Buhr, James Haggar and Dan Pedrotty from AFL-CIO.

2014 Legislative and Political Action Conference

If Education Minnesota Retired or Retired Educators Association of Minnesota (REAM) schedules a political conference, evidently the odds are good that there will be a snow storm.  The REAM sponsored conference was postponed once last year and then cancelled due to snow in May.  This year, 22 retirees braved a major snowstorm January 30, and were rewarded with very informative and interesting presentations related to the political environment of educator pensions, AFT political strategies, and Education Minnesota political action plans and legislative priorities.  We also heard how retirees can get involved in campaign activities this year.

The American Federation of Teachers Research and Strategic Initiatives Department sent Dan Pedrotty from Washington, D.C. to explain the efforts by AFT to increase public understanding of the value of public pensions, legislative pension reforms AFT is promoting, and efforts to put pressure on Wall Street interests who manage assets of public pensions but also support interest groups such as Students First which are behind attacks on public Defined Benefit pensions and teacher unions.  

Luncheon speaker, State Auditor Rebecca Otto, began by explaining the difference between her job and that of the Legislative Auditor.  As a statewide elected officer, one of her duties is to work on the State Board of Investments, the agency that manages the investment of our pension funds.    She plays a critical role in protecting the interests of taxpayers by advising and enforcing regulations to keep city and county governments accountable, as well as by monitoring state actions that could cause future taxpayer liability problems.  She believes it is in the best interest of Minnesota taxpayers to have a defined benefit pension system so that older citizens have adequate resources without becoming a burden on tax-supported and charitable public services.
James Haggar, Ed MN Political Action Specialist, reported that the Ed MN Political Action Committee (PAC) will focus on re-election campaigns of Governor Dayton and Senator Franken, election of a pro-public education majority in the Minnesota House of Representatives and of a pro-democracy MN Secretary of State, as well as investment in local school board and levy referenda elections.  None of the races for U.S. House seat is expected to be very competitive and political analysts do not expect much change in party majorities in the U.S. House.  
James reminded us that any member of Education Minnesota who has made a contribution to the PAC this year is eligible to participate in candidate screenings. Let your local president know if you want to   He also encouraged participants to volunteer for candidates and invited retired teacher to contact Rick Winters if they are interested in doing paid campaign work for Education Minnesota beginning during the summer.  He is especially interested in engaging more retirees from areas outside the metro area in this effort.  
Jodee Buhr, Ed MN Lobbyist, reported on Education Minnesota Legislative priorities and issues the Legislature will likely consider this year.  She also reported on the so-called education "reform" organizations that are actively engaged at the Legislature, along with the issues these groups promote.  Public defined benefit pensions are among the issues these "reformers" will attack.  Finally, Jodee explained TRA proposals for consolidating the Duluth and St. Paul Teachers Retirement Associations. The bill would require the state to fully fund these independent pension funds before they merge with TRA.  At this time, Duluth association has voted for merger but St. Paul wants to remain independent.




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